3 Tips to Efficient Password Management

With the growing dependency of applications comes the influx of securing passwords behind the protective shield. The process is gaining importance, but the task is easier said than done. What horrifies us is the fact that “hackers swipe 2,50,000 passwords a week”, a study by Google Investigators.

Another report published by Google while participating in Safer Internet Day states that 65% of people use the same password for multiple sites. For this reason, cyber security turns out to be the top concern for businesses today. The solution: make the most efficient strategies that help the institution in password management across multiple applications.

Password Management Solution – Put your aces up

Password Manager is a responsive web-based application that provides a highly secure password management solution to enable self-managing of password security profile by setting up recovery emails and security questions. However, the implementation of the password manager doesn’t guarantee security because there are chances that the user might forget the recovery answers.
Instead, you can mitigate the risks associated with passwords by streamlining a few other solutions.

1.     Automate Password Queries:

The increased number of repetitive password queries cost your institution time and resource decay. Automating this time-consuming process can handle the issues efficiently even during high spike days. In the long run, this self-service solution will not only reduce the prolonged wait time for end-users but also generate impressive cost savings.

2.     Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication:

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) safeguards access to applications while maintaining simplicity for the users. This validation technique authenticates the user identity with more than just one set of credentials – usually via email or OTP. Fingerprint authentication is yet another way of adding security to the account. The adaptive MFA provides an additional security layer to protect institutions from any data breaches.

3.     Switch to Federated Access – Single Sign-On (SSO):

Single Sign-On (SSO) allows the users to ultimately access multiple applications with a single point of entry, putting an end to practices of storing passwords which are a huge security vulnerability. The new age Single Sign-On solutions provide invincible security to all the application passwords.
Given the right set of privileges to right people delivers a consistent end-user experience with a single point entry to all applications required for a business. At BlackBeltHelp, we ensure and eliminate the possibility of any data leaks with our role-based access control feature.

The bottom line is:

Automation is the future, and Artificial Intelligence is one of the major technologies driving automation. The utilization of these smart automation techniques to automate password queries drives institutions towards success. The earlier you adopt it, the better you will be adept at it.
We at BlackBeltHelp love to schedule a demo for you on how to implement Single Sign-On to help you improve security and drive efficiency at your institution. Reach out to us for scheduling a demo: https://www.blackbelthelp.com/request-for-demo.html
